As from 1 March 2023 all PBO’s who issues Sec 18A Tax Exemption Certificates will be required to include all the following information on their certificates […]
This NO-vember we are attempting to start a conversation around consent. We are heading toward 16 days of Activism, raising awareness around Gender Based Violence. I […]
MANDELA DAY Mandela Day PAD PRODUCTION WORKSHOP Celebrate Mandela Day Make your 67 Minutes last for four years with our Pad Production Workshop. 67 PADS = […]
#ThisIsMyStory by Karen Landi I am writing this story for me. I have always written, and it has always helped to offer insight and gain perspective. […]
#PadManChallenge, why you should We’ve has a lot of reaction to the #PadManChallenge we have been running this Women’s Month. Why are we talking about Men […]