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Menstrual Hygiene Management Day

May 19, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Menstrual Hygiene Management Day –
hosted by Dignity Dreams and Kingsmead College

Empowered by the Johannesburg Junior Council and Community Hours

On the 19th May 2018

Times –14h00 – 17h00


Menstrual Hygiene Management Day (MHM Day) is a global platform that brings together non-profits, government agencies, the private sector, the media and individuals to promote Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM).

MHM Day raises awareness of the challenges women and girls worldwide face due to their menstruation and highlights solutions that address these challenges, including through media work.

It catalyses a growing, global movement for MHM and supports partnerships at global, regional, national and local level. MH Day also creates opportunities for advocacy for the integration of MHM into global, national and local policies, programmes and projects.

MH day falls on the 28th May 2018 but events are encouraged in and around this date.


To bring together girls (from Grades 8 – 12) in a safe environment to engage in dialogue around Menstruation, to educate teens around menstrual health and debunk the myths and taboos that dis-empower girls and continue to shame us about our bodies.

Girls from both resourced and under resourced backgrounds will be invited to attend on a 1:1 ratio.


Dignity Dreams will present each of the girls with a Dignity Dreams pack – value R200.

Resourced girls will be required to pay R50 per person to attend the event.
The R30 will be to “Add Dignity” – to pay for one Dignity Dreams pad
The remaining R20 will be for 2 Dignity Dreams bracelets – these bracelets have 28 beads that represent the menstrual cycle. The girls will make the bracelets together while in conversation with one another
Each resourced girl will be required to bring a plate of either savoury / sweet refreshments or a 2 litre coldrink for a bring and share

Space is limited – please contact sharon@dignitydreams.com or karen@communityhours.co.za for more information


May 19, 2018
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Tags:
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Kingsmead College
Entrance in Tottenham Avenue, Opposite the Rosebank Gautrain Station, 132 Oxford Rd, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2121
Johannesburg, South Africa
+ Google Map