On 19 May 2018, Dignity Dreams with help from Community Hour, Kingsmead College, Johannesburg Junior Council, Chaylil Foundation and Fight with Insight held a fun filled afternoon to celebrate MHM Day.
Sharon Gordon from Dignity Dreams spoke to the girls about menstrual health and sex. The girls shared their hopes and dreams for women and girls of the future.
Each girl received a delicious goody bag donated by Beads and Beanies, Rotary, Cotton On Foundation and Kingsmead College.
Each table was decorated by the participants, who also provided the delicious snacks. Kilindrie Pillay, a Mrs India Finalist addressed the audience about women and their potential. Sharon (@SaSexpert), author, entrepreneur, CEO of Dignity Dreams and fearless teller of necessary truths spoke to the girls about sex, sexuality and menstruation.
Participants were given Post It notes and were invited to ask any question about sex and menstruation they had ever wanted to ask. Sharon answered as many as she could during the time allocated.
In addition to the goody bag as part of the #AddDignity campaign each girl received, a #ME Menstrual Bracelet. The bracelet is a fun way to track your cycle and is available to purchase on our site.
Dignity Dreams continues to pursue educating women and girls about menstrual health and hygiene. We are grateful for the opportunity to supply our packs and interact with beneficiaries and donors alike.
We hope to grow this event, with more schools and organisations joining in or organising their own.
The #AddDignity Campaign for just R30 purchases one pad which is collected and added to make up a full pack. We were able to collate 7 packs from the girls at this event. Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed and sponsored!